Therapy is a hero’s journey. The first step begins here.

Dr. Rodney Luster

Therapist, Psychology Today Writer, Speaker, and Research Scientist

Hurt, pain, and despair can weigh us down

Rodney Luster, licensed Therapist [online].

AAmight challenge usCounseling is a hero’s journey, where every client brings to it their own unique story. Amidst this story arc, we may have also been met by extraordinary challenges, as the metaphorical dragons took literal shape in the form of major life issues. And now, is at this critical juncture that we must decide if, and how, we will continue to confront them. In fictional stories, every hero needs a guide, counselor, or mentor, that can help resource them for such battles. Such is true in real life. Our continuance on the road to health is an internal imperative. And although the vestiges of emotional scars might challenge us, we must continue to rise strong, to stay the course, so that we may build a life that eclipses the pain, and one that is also worth suffering for. By whatever means you have arrived at this site, I want to welcome you! Now, it is up to you to take the next step.

Specializing in…

Recent SERO Boost Podcast.

Sero Boost Podcast Audio

by Dr. Luster Interview

Psychology Today Blog.

Current Reads on Psychology Today

Recent Psychology Today Article

Are You Happy?


 What does it mean to be happy? It may not be as conspicuous as you thought. Unabridged happiness may lend more insights.

The Online Advantage


Inspirethought LLC. is my private practice name for what I consider an aspirational enterprise that takes into account the varied needs of clients. What I deliver is a counseling approach based on the differing needs of clients that may arise as a result of mental health issues, life circumstance challenges, and professional life obstacles, while also delivering immediate resourcing to tackle these issues. As a professional researcher, professor, and practitioner, my knowledge and experience are always current, allowing me to pull from a variety of disciplines, where each session provides the client room for discussing issues, alongside careful tailoring of a plan to help that utilize “design-thinking” as a model of conceiving a uniquely innovative and tailored strategy for every client. All services are delivered online using the Zoom platform, making it a much more agile process for meeting clients where they are, at any time of the day.

A few benefits of online therapy include:

*Increased Access

*Reduction in travel time


*Flexibility in scheduling

Finding the “right” fit

It’s vitally important to find the “right” therapist for your needs. If this is your first time visiting this site, I encourage you to learn a bit more about my background, as well as setting up a 10 minute “online” meeting to ask me any questions you might have as you explore the right fit for you. The rapport you establish witha therapist can be felt immediately through your own felt sense of comfort and ease while dialoging with any potential therapist. It’s important to trust that “gut” feeling, which is really your  more enhanced attention to detail.

Trusted Guidance


Each individual is unique, and our problems are also unique to us, as is our perspective of them. Sessions begin with an initial evaluation through an intake dialogue to assess the issues or challenges emerging.

Targeted Goals

In therapy we will look at establishing objective goals that we can test against reality to check their effectiveness, readjusting along the way. Goals are always a part of the comprehensive process.


Psychological growth is seen in the perspective of clients and their perception of their issues we have worked towards eliminating. Growth emerges through a client’s sense of self, enhanced self-agency, and locus of control.

Treating a variety of life’s issues.

PTSD and Trauma Related Issues

Trauma is an impact both mentally and physically and can usher in what I call a "deprecated" aspect of self that leaves a person vulnerable to their own cognitive and emotional processes. But wounds of the mind, like those that are physical, can and do heal with the proper treatment. A formidable quote comes from noted researcher Peter Levine and his book Waking the Tiger who explains "when a young tree is injured, its roots grow around the injury, and the wound, with time, becomes much smaller." Growing past trauma enhances the tree's individuality, character, and beauty much like people and notable figures who have suffered trauma and have become stronger and greater to themselves and others. I have treated some of the most pernicious cases of trauma successfully and am here to help you.

Anxiety Symptomology

Stress and anxiety can be debilitating. Anxiety has varied components attached such as emotional heuristics, cognitive distortions about perceived situations and reality, decision-making, logic, emotional reasoning, and more. Therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Emotional Schema Therapy, and others are evidence-based approaches to helping alleviate the potentials of anxiety, but there are more.

Depressive Symptomology

Depression or major depressive disorder has become a very common but impacting mood disorder. The result of the phenomenon is that it creates persevering symptomology from how one thinks, feels, and engages in many of the routine daily activities, including sleeping, working, and living in general. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks in a durated state. Much of our suffering with something like depression is a given of life, but our response to it doesn't have to be. If you are suffering from depression I am here to help.

Grief and Loss

Grief and the loss of someone or something significant in our life can be profound. The unexpected events that move across our daily lives such as divorce, death of a loved one, separation, loss of significant other, loss of a child, loss of a parent, loss of a career, and the list go on, are many of the things that impact our psyche moving us to a sense or feeling of loss, emptiness, and anger or upset. The words of others during our loss can be ineffectual and unintendedly disheartening. Unlocking the embrace of grief and loss is a powerful part of therapy. If you are suffering from the onset of grief or loss, I am ready to help.

Behavioral/Mood Changes

Habitual functions of our life can get in the way of a better quality of life. Mood and behavior impact everything from our mental state, thoughts, feelings, and cognitions to the physical realm with health, weight, eating, and viability. Our variability with behavior and mood often doesn't necessarily fit into a nice box for others to understand what is bothering us. I treat various issues ranging from self-esteem, body image, and addictions to habits such as smoking, eating, and more.

Therapy is not simply about resolving life's problems, but a much bigger doorway for inspiring one to thrive for a life that's so much bigger than the issues one encounters, and igniting that perspective that lies within.

Dr. Rodney Luster

Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Proin eget tortor risus. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus.

John Smith

Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Proin eget tortor risus. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus.

John Smith

Trusted Guidance



Clinical Hypnotherapy

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